
APA Launches, a New Collection of Spanish-Language Mental Health Resources

WASHINGTONSept. 15, 2022 /CorporatePRwire/– The American Psychiatric Association (APA) today announced the launch of, a website dedicated to hosting Spanish-language information and resources on mental health and substance use disorders that are culturally competent and evidence-based.

The new site features resources on five of the most commonly searched conditions related to mental health: depression, domestic violence, stigma, substance use disorders and suicide. will also develop and host information on additional mental health conditions over time.

“The impetus behind this effort was to address the overwhelming need for reliable, evidence-based information on mental health and substance use disorders available in Spanish,” said APA President Rebecca Brendel, M.D., J.D. “Our goal was not to simply translate information we already had in English into Spanish, but rather to collaborate with our member psychiatrists who are part of the Spanish-speaking community in the United States to develop information and resources that are culturally competent, relevant, and easily understood by a broad section of the Hispanic and Latino community.”

The content hosted on includes informational text, quizzes, expert Q&A in both print and video formats, infographics, printable handouts, animated explainer videos and more. While tailored to a Spanish-speaking audience, is a bilingual site, with content available in both Spanish and English. The site will be updated with new content on a rolling basis.

The site and its content were developed by APA and its Spanish Language Communications Working Group, comprised of Hispanic & Latino APA member psychiatrists, most of whom are native Spanish-speakers. The Working Group, which will continue to guide the development of content for the website, is co-chaired by APA member psychiatrists Hector Colon-Rivera, M.D. and Amalia Londoño Tobón, M.D.

American Psychiatric Association
The American Psychiatric Association, founded in 1844, is the oldest medical association in the country. The APA is also the largest psychiatric association in the world with more than 37,000 physician members specializing in the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and research of mental illnesses. APA’s vision is to ensure access to quality psychiatric diagnosis and treatment. For more information, please visit

SOURCE American Psychiatric Association

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